Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's Been Awhile

Wow! I haven't posted in forever, since Emery was 10 months old to be exact. She is now 13 (almost 14 months)! I decided that the name of my blog should actually be My Beautiful, CRAZY Life. To be completely honest with everyone, I have lost perspective about life and what it is all about and this is why I am blogging again. I want to take time each day to focus and reflect on the things that mean the most to me {My Jesus, My Family, and My Friends}.

The past week has been full of work but also full of fun. I will give a top five rundown of my favorite memories of this week:

#1- Emery has taken a little bit longer to develop physically than
Moses but she is officially a walker. May I add, the cutest walker ever. She looks like a little zombie because she sticks her arms out in front of her. SO CUTE!

#2- Moses and I went and saw Cars 2 together. It took a little bit of popcorn and candy but he sat through the entire thing (which is a miracle) As we walked out of the movie theater he screamed, "That was fun!"

#3- I ran into an old friend. This doesn't happen much because we live far from most people from the past. It was so fun for her to see how grown up Moses is because she knew me when I was pregnant with him.

#4- Chipotle.Games.Good Company. I had all of my summer residential team over for dinner. I really am blessed by them and it was fun to be able to spend time with them outside of work.

#5- Moses and I went kayaking today and it was so fun.
He looked so cute in his mini lifejacket and oversized paddle. I rarely get to spend one on one time with him and this is an experience that will be burned in my mind forever. As we were walking off the dock he said, "Mama, we just went on an adventure!" I seriously have no idea where he comes up with these things.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE YOUR FAMILY!!!!! Some day you should plan an outing with them to Burbank. I'll be sure to find the best park in the area so we can play on a fantastically new playground... (well new for Moses & Emery at least). Love you! Miss you! See you soonish... I hope.
