Thursday, July 14, 2011

Girls Are Made of Sugar Spice and Everything Nice

One of my favorite things about having two children is to see how they are similar and how they are different. This is a lot easier now that Emery is getting older. It truly is amazing how unique God created each one of them.

Emery is a mild mannered, content baby who loves her mama {even though she calls me dada}. She has the sweetest little smile, but don't let it fool you, she has a hot temper too-->just like her mama :) She loves to play whether she engages you in peek-a-boo, hide and seek, chase, or making funny faces/sounds. Emery absolutely adores Moses and wants to be just like him. She is a cuddle bug and loves to give hugs and wet kisses. One of my favorite things about having alittle girl is the fact that she LOVES girly things. She is constantly digging through
my jewelry, my makeup, and shoes.

Here are some recent pictures:

Mimi wearing mama headband

Sticking a lot of crackers in her mouth to make brother laugh

Imitating brother using the potty

Showing off her pretty shoes

So happy to be wearing mama's scarf

Fighting with Moses because he is trying to take her scarf


  1. Oh my goodness! Could she be any more cute!?!?! I love her lil shoes. Also, LOVE the new look on the blog. I miss you.

  2. She is a doll! Such personality!
