Friday, January 11, 2013

The Ending of a Chapter

In life, some choices aren't easy. You all probably know the ones that I am talking about, right? The ones the play over and over again in your mind and consume every thought. I had to make one of those decisions recently and it was one of the toughest decisions I have made in a really long time.

Picture of Forest Home
I absolutely love Forest Home and my role there. My role encompasses so many different areas of my passions such as coffee, apparel purchasing, and people. In so many ways, this job almost feels like it was written for me. With that being said, my job is huge. There are so many details and aspects that go into it, and it is a lot of work. I have never minded the pace of it until recently. So what changed?

First and foremost, Jarrell accepted a part-time youth pastor position at our church. He is really excited about it, as am I. I know that God is going to use him in incredible ways and has already given him so many different ideas. You can check out what he is doing here, it is super cool. With that being said, I felt like I was on the outside looking in and desired to support him more and be more apart of what he is doing.

The next thing, is my kids. While I was on maternity leave my heart broke. I love my kids so much and they are growing so fast. I started talking with different people and a lot of them expressed regret over working too much when their kids were young. I didn't want that to be me. Financially we were never in a place where I could stay home, but with Jarrell working at the church, that became an option for me. I will eventually need to find something part time, but that is very manageable.

I knew that I was supposed to resign from my position, but it was so hard. God continued to work on my heart and confirmed it time and time again. On Tuesday of this week, I turned in my resignation with tears streaming down my face. I will finish out our Winter Camp season, which ends in March and then I will be done.

I can't even begin to express how much the people at Forest Home mean to me. I have met such amazing people there, co-workers and people that have worked for me, and I feel truly blessed. If you are one of those people, thank you. The great thing is, Jarrell still works there, so I will still be surrounded by such an amazing community. While I am sad this season of my life is ending, I am really excited for the new season that I will be entering. I am sure I will keep you all updated as this new season unfolds.


  1. Oh Josie how I miss you and I respect you so much. You are a strong woman who seeks to follow the Lords leading. I love that about you. Though transitions are hard and tough, I know that He is blessing you in so many ways. I am excited to read all your SAHM stories that you will be sharing.

  2. Josie, you are amazing in so many regards. As an efficient, kind, caring manager of people, as a wife to Jarrell, and as a mother to your children.

    Forest Home is definitely losing a gem, but the long term benefits this decision will have for your beautiful kids exponentially outweighs that.

    May the Lord bless and keep you and your family as you step into this new chapter.

  3. Josie, one of the things I love about you and Jarrell is you both follow God's will for your lives....starting from when you first met. I think it is awesome that you will be able to there for your children while they are so young. I know Forest Home will miss you but this is for a season and you never know what God has for the future! Love you!
