Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Baby Whisperer

Friends, we have had a breakthrough in our house! I am a little hesitant to write about it, but hopefully it continues to happen. Moses started walking at 10 months old. Right around the same time, he figured out how to climb out of his crib, so when he was still a little guy we had to transition him into a bed so he wouldn't hurt himself. It was so hard to contain him and make him understand that he needed to stay in his bed because he wasn't even a year old! This started the habit of him coming into our room every single night and getting in bed with us. At the time I was pregnant with Emery, so I constantly was tired and let him take naps with me, so we just set him up to want to sleep with us. 
Look at how little Moses was when he started climbing out of his crib!
Fastforward two years later and the kid still comes in our room. Emery never really had this problem until recently, but about three months agos, when we put her in a bed, she decided mommy and daddy's bed was better too! Trying to sleep with two kids in a bed is nearly impossible. Saturday night Jarrell ended up sleeping on the floor in our room because the kids were just taking up too much space. His neck hurt him really bad the next day. He decided enough was enough and we became determined to make the kids stay in their beds all night. This really is a better option for everyone, plus with Baby #3 on the way, we need to make sure the kids are in their room so they don't wake up everytime she wakes up.

The kids are so cuddly, Moses decided to sleep with Mimi
I have very little willpower when it comes to our kids (and I LOVE my sleep). I am thankful for Jarrell in this situation because he was determined to make it happen. Sunday night the babies woke up and came to our room and Jarrell took them back. Monday night the babies work up and came to our room and Jarrell took them back. Tuesday and Wednesday nights were a huge success, the babies stayed in their room the entire night! I think my husband in the baby whisperer. I can't tell you how much more rested I feel without two little lumps (as cute as they are) sleeping in our bed.

1 comment:

  1. HAHA! Yes!! I totally relate to this! Right now I just have one little lump in my bed (Brayce is still in a crib). She comes in and we put her back to her bed. Then she comes back. This goes back and forth until she comes in and we don't even realize it or we just give up. I need the baby whisperer!! :)
