Friday, July 15, 2011

Lions, Tigers and Bears Oh My!

When you live in a forest you tend to have some interesting encounters with the creatures that live here as well. The best part though, is listening to Moses' version of the events that occur.


So about a month ago we were sitting in the living room and heard a bunch of rustling on the porch. I opened the door and much to my surprise this little guy decided to pay us a friendly visit [if you consider eating poopy diapers off someone's porch visiting]...

Moses was actually sleeping but due the the commotion of us screaming and throwing shoes at the bear, he woke up. We shut the door and let him take a peek through the door window and he got super excited and said, "LOOK, baby lion!" I tried to explain to him that it was a bear however he was convinced he was right.


So one of my least favorite things about living in Southern California is...wait for it...the lizards. [I do know to most people that this probably doesn't count as a legitimate complaint]. So they are not big or scary, but they are sneaky, little creatures that scare me constantly. Apparently this has rubbed off on Moses. Today Kelly was taking the kids to the playground at camp and Moses screamed and started crying. Kelly looked down and saw that he was pointing at a lizard. He said, "Zizard scared me! Go away zizards!"

Do you have any fun or scary wildlife encounters?

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