Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mommy & Moses Time

This morning Jarrell decided that he wanted to go to Harry Potter but that wasn't how I wanted to spend my day, so we decided to split up. He took Mimi with him and Moses and I had a little date. We decided to check out the animals at Petco and he was especially fond of the birds, specifically the blue one. I am constantly amazed at the rapid pace in which Moses is learning. He asks questions about everything that is going on around us and is a little sponge.

While we were out I finally found a baby doll for Emery. I have been looking for a soft, mixed doll for a really long time and couldn't find one. A lot of people that I have spoke to about this asked me why I wanted a mixed one so bad. Honestly, I just wanted her to have a doll that looked like her. She absolutely loves the doll and calls her baby. She took her everywhere today and made sure that she had plenty of kisses and hugs :)

Since I got Emery a toy, I told Moses that he could pick a toy. He was so funny, out of all of the choices he chose bubbles that were on clearance! He is definitely a cheap date. It is humbling to see how the littlest things make him so happy and I believe we could all learn to be like him [child like].

We met up after the movie and on the way home Moses was saying the funniest things...

Me {to Jarrell}: Hey Babe
Moses: It's Daddy

Moses: Mimi, where is your baby dolphin? {In reference to her baby doll}

I am tickling Moses and he says, "Enough mama!"

I am so thankful for this beautiful life that I have been given and I want to make the most of each moment, each day. What are some special moments from your day?


  1. Haha! I love reading about your kids, they're too sweet!

  2. Hmm, special moments. Well, it's only just the beginning of the day, but I'm working on getting together with a friend so she can teach me how to do calligraphy - I'm so excited!
