Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Time of Transition

This week we are completely off our schedule, so it is making life interesting. Our nanny, Kelly, has been with us since I went back to work full time and she left us on Sunday :( We currently have not found a replacement for her. Kelly became so ingrained in our lives that I didn't realize how weird it would be without her here.

Here is a picture of them on St. Patricks Day when Kelly dressed them in green :)

So currently we are using the nursery at camp half days and Jarrell is doing Daddy Daycare for half days :) It is so much fun to hear Moses' stories when I come home from work about his time with Daddy and Mimi. He usually tells me the same things everyday but every once in awhile he adds something new. He loves going to the beach, the pool, the park, and to "see his peoples." Emery is really starting to add more words to her vocabulary too. She calls Moses, "Bubba" which is super cute and now that she is walking she is constantly following him around and wanting to do whatever he is doing.

1 comment:

  1. I miss you guys so much! I'm already annoying people with how much I talk about the babies:)
