Saturday, July 16, 2011


Even though today wasn't extraordinary I had an amazing day. Some highlights of the day included: Iced White Chocolate Mocha, In-N-Out for lunch, grocery date with Moses, my husband cleaning the house (he even did the dishes!), and cooking one of our favorite dinners.
Emery started walking recently so we decided we needed to get her some walking shoes. We lined up several selections for her and let her pick which ones she wanted. Here is the result:

I had to get these too because they looked
so cute on her l little feet:

She was so excited about them and even fell asleep in the car holding them. When we were transferring her to her crib, she wouldn't let go so we let her sleep with them. Even though she wasn't wearing anything other then a diaper she insisted that she have her shoes on. She must love shoes as much as her mama!

Later in the day, Moses and I went on our grocery shopping date. It is a special time where it is just him and I and he loves to scan all of our groceries in the self checkout line which adds about twenty minutes to our trip, but I love it. Everyone at our neighborhood market know
s him by name and is always giving him treats. On our way to the store we had such a funny conversation...

Me: Moses how old are you?
Moses: Two
Me: How old is Mimi?
Moses: One
Me: How old is Mommy?
Moses: He stops and thinks about it for awhile with a puzzled look on his face and says, "Old!"

He makes me laugh so hard and brings so much joy into my life. I am truly blessed by both of my babies.

When we came home from the grocery store the house was clean and all the dishes were done. I was so excited and it gave me even more motivation to cook dinner. I cooked Pollo Asado with black bean, corn, avocado salsa.

How was your day? What things do you have to be thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. Josie, I loved reading about your day! It made me smile. Your children are just adorable. Sometimes it's simple days like these that are just so special! Yesterday I was thankful for being able to be there when Job was falling asleep. He decided to pray and said, "God, thank for Momma. Amen." Melted my heart! Keep posting!
