Monday, April 1, 2013

They Fit #3

Many of you may have read my They Fit or They Fit #2 Post.

Up until a week ago, I hadn't made any progress since my first goal, which was to lose  the weight that I gained with Amariah. 

To be honest, I didn't make any effort after I lost the weight because I was waiting for x, y, and z. The short end, I was making excuses to continue on in my bad habits.

I am ecstatic to announce, that I am ready to make the changes necessary to lose weight and get down to my goal weight. There were several things that led me to this point, some good reasons, others vain.  At this point my two main reasons are for health purposes and because I love cute clothes!

I have a low tolerance to glucose which pretty much means eventually I will get type 2 Diabetes. If at all possible, I want to prevent that by eating healthy and exercising regularly. The second reason that I mentioned is a little more vain. I love clothes and always have. Lately, I have only been putting on clothes to cover up. This makes me really sad, because I love dressing in ways that help me express myself, but feel super uncomfortable with my weight.

I have made a decision to lose the weight and this time I am determined. What am I doing differently? I am eating as clean as possible w/a small cheat everyday. I know that if I don't have a little something that I love everyday, I will end up overindulging or quitting. The second this is exercise. Everyday I run, hike, do pilates or a combination. 

So if you are just joining me in this journey here is a quick recap of my goals and progress.

#1- To lose all the weight that I gained with Amariah 
#2- To lose my weight gain following the birth of my 2nd child
#3- My Goal Weight

Before I was embarrassed to disclose my starting weight and end goal weight. I have come to terms with these numbers, knowing they don't define me. I want to be as specific as possible, so that I can encourage myself and others. So the updated goals look as follows:

#1- To lose all the weight that I gained with Amariah- 215 pounds to 195 pounds (20 pounds)
#2- To lose my weight gain following the birth of my 2nd child- 195 pounds to 175 pounds (20 pounds)
#3- My Goal Weight- 175 pounds to 140 pounds (35 pounds)

So for those of you who don't like math, that is a goal of 75 total pounds. This number intimidates me, but I know that it is possible. So far I have met my first goal of 20 pounds. In the past week, I lost 6 pounds! That puts me at a loss of 26 pounds total and 14 pounds away from my second goal. I am 35% of the way there. When I reach my second goal, I will post before and after pictures. 


  1. That is great! Keep up the good work! I too am working hard to lose that awful baby weight. There is no better time then the present!

  2. you can do it honey!!! You already are!!!! This is just so encouraging and inspiring!!!! I cannot wait to see your before and after photos!!!! :)
