Tuesday, April 9, 2013

|Virtual| Coffee Date

So this is something new for my blog but I thought was super fun. A friend of mine does this on her blog and I loved the idea. Weekly I will do a segment called Virtual Coffee Date. The idea is that if we were sitting down having a chat over a cup of coffee these would be the things that I would share with you. Since I LOVE coffee this seems to suit me well.

If we were sitting down having coffee this morning our conversation would be competing with the background noise of Cars 2 and a chiming princess castle. I would be drinking Vanilla Nut coffee out of my favorite coffee mug. (Pictured on the right)

I would tell you...

That life has been incredible and challenging all at the same time. I absolutely adore being at home with my family, but it has put up a constant mirror into my heart. There are a lot of things that I need to work through. I know that God is so much bigger and I am thankful for the light that has been shed into these areas and the grace that is so freely available to me.

That I have found a new passion for the Bible. I attend an amazing Bible Study with some incredibly wise women on Mondays and it has changed my life. I always leave feeling so encouraged and challenged.

I have fallen in love with running and hiking. I am able to process through things and clear my mind. It is carved out time in my schedule for me and I am so thankful that my husband is supportive of it.

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