Tuesday, April 23, 2013

|Virtual| Coffee Date

If we had a coffee date this morning, you would have been at the park with me and the kids. I would have a tall, non-fat misto. This is my new favorite type of coffee. I know this is a shocker to some, since I usually only drink iced drinks (even in the snow and rain). 

Amariah yelled uncontrollably if I tried to take away the coffee cup.

In between chasing my kids and saving them from the top of the monkey bar ladder, I would have told you:

Moses got stuck up here. Of course I took I picture before I helped him :)
I am so tired. Actually, I probably wouldn't have needed to tell you, I look really tired. Why didn't I get a bigger coffee?! The past couple of days I haven't got a whole lot of sleep. Moses had some sort of sickness that caused crazy problems with #2 and Amariah got her six month shots yesterday and has been running a fever. She is super fussy and tired, but can't sleep well. Everyone says that one day I will miss these days, and I am sure I will, it just doesn't feel like it right now.

I really appreciate my husband and all the ways that he helps me. He was gone a couple of days last week at the Catalyst Conference and it was a little crazy around the house. I am happy to have him home and it was a great reminder to be thankful for all the things that he does. 

I struggle with anger. A lot. This is something that I am working on and seeking the Lord to help me with. If you think of me, please pray for this. 

I am in love more like obsessed with ganado print items.... 

Speaking of clothes, I have been given the opportunity to start my own online clothing store. My hope is that it will do well enough one day, that I can own an actual store. I am really excited but I have a lot of work ahead of me. The goal is to provide quality, affordable, and unique pieces of clothing to people that don't have access to them. All items will come straight out of Los Angeles' Fashion District. There will be a lot more to come about this soon but I am REALLY EXCITED for the day when I get to share my website with you all. 

I hope that you all have a wonderful week! 

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