Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday {Weigh Day}

Hello Friends! It is Monday which means it is weigh in day. When I got on the scale this morning it read 185.8, which means this week I lost 3.2 pounds. That is a total weight loss of 29/75 pounds putting me at 38.667% of my goal. 

I just wanted to share a few thoughts that I had this week regarding my progress:

When I stepped on the scale I was super disappointed to see that I only lost 3 pounds.  I worked really hard this week and ate very good, so it felt super defeating. I really began to think about it though and my attitude changed. I realized that it took a lot of small choices, over a long period of time, to lead me to the weight that I am today. With that being said, it is going to take a lot of small choices over a long period of time, to lose the weight that I want to. Three pounds is a small number in a much larger equation and a step towards my ultimate goal of becoming healthy. Also, I was reminded by an awesome friend that this journey doesn't define me and that my value should be found in Christ alone. Such a great reminder of truth. 

I am committing to not obsess over the scale and only weigh myself once a week. 

The other major factor in my journey right now, is that I am nursing my six month old daughter. I need to be careful not to lose too much weight, too quickly. I realized this week that I was not getting enough calories to nurse well and lose weight effectively. I ate more calories the week prior and lost 6 pounds. It seems a little backwards to eat more and lose more weight, but after doing a lot of research, I found this is common with people in my situation. 

The last thought was this amazing quote I read this week:

Thanks for those who have been encouraging in this process. I am not an expert, nor do I care to be. I am just a girl making positive lifestyle changes and sharing them with people as a source of encouragement. 

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