Thursday, April 18, 2013

|Virtual| Coffee Date

If we had coffee this morning we would have been sitting in the lounge chairs in my hotel room in Las Vegas. The blinds would have been open so we could look at the the strip while chatting.

I would tell you that this week has been busy but so fun. Earlier in the week I visited a friend in Orange County. We ate a wonderful lunch at a Japanese Restaurant. I left feeling refreshed and encouraged. It is always good to catch up with people you care about and this was no exception.

We would talk about how catching up and eating were the themes of my week. On Wednesday the kids and I headed to Las Vegas to visit my Aunt who was there on vacation. We caught up over an amazing meal at BURGR which is one of Gordon Ramsay's restaurants. I had an Asian Salad that was to die for. It was fun to catch up with my Aunt and have her meet the kids.

The last thing I would tell you is how much fun I had taking the kids to the M&MS store. They were so excited to see everything and I had the opportunity to spoil them a little. The looks in their faces were priceless and it will be an experience I will remember for a long time. I even bought myself a little treat: a yellow M&M coffee mug and my favorite sweet treat, gelato. This particular kind was hazelnut chocolate.

What are some of the things you would tell me if we were having a coffee date?

1 comment:

  1. I would tell you that it's so good getting to see you! ...and that I'm applying for grad school!

    ...and maybe I'd hold your baby if she was there.
