Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday {Weigh Day}

Well friends, I am happy to say that I lost two pounds this week. That puts me at 183, which is 8 pounds away from my second goal of 40 pounds lost.

This actually shocked me since I didn't work out much this week and I ate horrible. When I say horrible, let me paint a picture for you...

I ate an entire bag of Twizzlers in one sitting. Not the big bag, but the king size bag. That is still really bad though. I ate pizza three times this week! I am a stress eater and we had a crazy week, so it was a bad equation for me. 

I only exercised three times, but I made them count. I was really proud of myself for pushing harder than I thought that I could go. This quote makes me laugh but motivates me to workout and I do mostly wear black:

So I have focused a lot of the weight loss part of my journey, mainly because I am a data minded person, but I really want to focus on the part that is super important to me for a minute, being healthy.

I feel amazing and have so much energy. I have grown in confidence and am super happy.

1 comment:

  1. I love that quote. I wear a lot of black but most of that is because it hides my crazy sweat :) Keep up the good work!

    Been missing you and Jarrel lots. Love seeing all your pictures of your babies :) They are beautiful.
