I am going to address a topic that is really hard for me to talk about on my blog today...
I am not a stay at home mom. I was the first 19 months of Moses' life and the first 4 of Emery's. I actually only planned on staying home for the first year of Moses' life and going back to work part time, but God had different plans. When Moses was six months old we moved to Southern California when Jarrell accepted a job at Forest Home. We quickly realized the cost of living in California was very high compared to what we were used to and I started looking for part time jobs immediately. I never found a job and I was thankful in a lot of ways because I found out I was pregnant with Emery and wanted to honor the commitment I made to myself to stay at home with Moses for a year, but it was so hard on our family. A job came along for me that was literally PERFECT for me, but it was (and had to be) full time. I knew that this is where God wanted me to be, but it was so hard for me to go back to work.
It has taken me a long time (I have been working for ten months) to be content with my situation. It is not easy for me to leave in the morning and there are so many days that I just want to cuddle up with my babies and call in sick. Days like today help me realize that my job is important, purposeful, and worth the sacrifice. I am truly blessed to work in a ministry that serves 800+ churches in Southern California. I get to see God work in amazing ways through peoples' lives every single day. I get to see God restore broken people. I get to work with an amazing team of people that have answered God's call to serve Him and I get to witness them use the talents that He has given them for His glory. I get to lead a team of people that passionately love God and though they aren't perfect, they love deeply, strive to be better, and teach me how to be a better version of myself everyday. I am thankful for where God has me even though it isn't always where I want to be. God's plan is so much bigger and more purposeful then we can ever begin to imagine. When things aren't going the way you think they should, remember that God is sovereign.
This is a picture of the beautiful place I am blessed to work at...

Just a couple more thoughts...
#1-Please respect working moms. There are so many times that other people (more than likely unknowingly) have made me feel like less of a mother because I don't stay home with my children. They make comments as if I don't want to be with my children or that I have my priorities in the wrong place, which leads me to point number two...
#2-There are so many things we don't know about people, their lives, and situations so don't assume other people's motives. Always believe the best.
#3-Seek to take part in God's Story. It is an adventure full of crazy turns, valleys, mountaintops, and unexpected circumstances but it is worth it.