Friday, July 9, 2010

There is a First Time for Everything

This has been a big week of firsts for us! This has included Moses first hair cut which was done by me and Jarrell. (I was more or less the distraction, but I did help). Moses and Emery took their first bath together which was super adorable. Moses helped wash her by dumping water on her from a bottle. Also, Emery had her first "camping trip". We stayed in a cabin where Jarrell works and it was so beautiful. We were in close quarters with one another (the cabin was one room) but it allowed me to witness some neat interactions between Emery and Moses. We all shared a bed and Moses kept leaning over and kissing Emery and she would smile really big. Then she would would turn her head to wherever Moses was so that she could always see him. I believe that they are going to be such close friends as they grow up. Moses had fun swimming in the kiddie pool and playing with lady bugs. Needless to say, we were able to spend a lot of quality time as a family this week and it was much needed and always makes my heart smile.

I have been struggling with so many different things lately, and yesterday I had an conversation with a close friend that left me feeling so blessed. We were talking about some of the different things that I have been struggling with lately and she said, "Josie, I know that you have your struggles internally but you are handling them so well externally. I know some days are probably better then others, but overall you are such an encouragement to me and teach me not to complain so much." We continued to talk and she was sharing with me how some other people had noticed this about me as well. (I am not saying this in a boastful way, so please do not take it like that). This was such a huge blessing to me because at a time when I can't see God working in my life and when I feel so lost, He is using me to glorify Him and challenge others in their own faith. This really reminded me that how we live our lives and the way we react to what life throws our way, can be a huge testimony to those around us. I am so thankful that through my friend, God allowed me to see a glimpse of the work that He is doing in me and through me.

I am super excited for tonight. A bunch of ladies from our church are getting together for sushi and someone is watching Moses for me so that I can join them! I always have a blast when we get together and it has been so long since I have been able to hang out with them, so this is going to be a real treat for me.


  1. aww Josie! Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your life. I miss you so much and it helps to know that we will be able to hang out together like old times when Jesus comes back in heaven!! Except that will be FOREVER!! We are struggling alot too, but isn't it so awesome to just stop, look at your family and realize we are SO blessed!!! Your family is beautiful and I'm so glad you remain close to the Lord. Love you!!!
    Love, Sarah Burgos

  2. you are an awesome lady!! Thanks for sharing and Moses looks so cute!!!
