Thursday, July 22, 2010

30 Things

So after reading Jill's, I decided to do this, but it was harder than I thought it would be. I didn't want to tell you all basic things that you already knew, so hear you go:

#1- I never liked Coke until after I had Moses. After giving birth, they asked what I wanted to drink and I said Coke. Every since then I have been obsessed with it.

#2- I have a dual favorite color. I love lime and pink, but not separately, only together.

#3- I am probably one of the most indecisive people EVER. I can't make a decision and stick with it. I am one of those people who keep tags and receipts for everything I buy because I often return it and purchase something else.

#4- My favorite movie of all time is Sweet Home Alabama. I could watch it every day. Every time I see it, I cry. It evokes so many emotions in me, because I can relate to it on so many different levels.

#5- I have a deep respect for single moms. I really don't know how they do it.

#6- I LOVE college basketball. My favorite team is Duke.

#7- A lot of people say that if given the chance to go back they wouldn't change things, but not me. There are definitely very specific things that I would do differently.

#8-I desperately wished that we lived closer to my family or Jarrell's family, but as of now, it is not where God wants us.

#9-If I could change one thing (outside of salvation) it would be that people didn't see color. It breaks my heart.

#10-I prefer watching movies at home because I have to talk through them. I have so many questions. (Jarrell gets so annoyed with me)

#11-I think it is silly when people give me flowers. They die. I do love plants though.

#12-In the last seven years I have lived in six different states, spanning from coast to coast.

#13-My favorite city on the east coast is Boston and on the west coast is San Francisco.

#14-My ideal place to live would be somewhere on the Oregon Coast.

#15-I prefer pearls over diamonds.

#16-Being in the midst of God's creation, especially mountains, is where I experience God the most.

#17-I don't like to drive, at all.

#18-I tend to over think most things.

#19-I would prefer a meaningful card over a gift any day.

#20-I value loyalty. To God, to love, to family, and to friends.

#21-The first time that I saw my husband, I knew that I would marry him.

#22-I strive daily to be three things: more like Christ, a good wife, and a good mom.

#23-Jarrell and I went on two honeymoons a month apart.

#24-I despise horror movies. I think that there is enough evil in the world, that it doesn't need to be re-created and shown in movies.

#25-I used to be dog walker when I lived in New York. I got ridiculous amounts of money to walk rich people's dogs.

#26-I am actively working on being a better listener.

#27-I almost never order first at restaurants, even if I know what I want.

#28-It is so hard for me to buy something for myself even if it is something that I need. I always think about other ways that I could spend the money.

#29-My favorite portion of scripture is Psalm 27

#30-I am so thankful for the sacrifice of Jesus and the way that God has completely turned my life around through Him. I can't imagine having a better life than I do. Jarrell, Moses, and Emery are the biggest blessings and bring me so much joy.

PS- Jill I just commented on yours, but I think I will Facebook message you soon.


  1. Josie! THIS MAKES ME MISS YOU EVEN MORE! I especially liked the movie one... because I drive Jammie crazy the same way.

  2. ha ha ha!! i remember the first time you saw him... you told me thats the one!! thats the one i am going to marry!!

  3. Josie, I just saw this! :) It is INSANE how much we have in common! <3 and I'm with Jess, the movie one made me laugh. :)
