Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Hero

The relationship that Moses and Emery have has been reminding me of my relationship with my big brother Joe. I have been thinking a lot about him lately. I called my mom today to talk to her about him, which she had been thinking about him too. It is his birthday today. I can't believe next month that he will have been gone for eight years. Few people have profoundly impacted my life the way that Joe did. I will start at the beginning. The time that I first met Joe.

Yes, I did say the first time that I met him. See, Joe was my mom's son from a different marriage. I did not know that I had a big brother until I was in the third grade! (I also had another brother, and two other sisters). Joe came to live with us when I was in the third grade. He was so tall, had the best smile, and (as I came to know later on) had the biggest heart. He was a senior in high school. You would think that a senior in high school would be annoyed at his two "new" sisters, but not Joe. He ate it up. He loved being our big brother. He could have let us keep riding the bus like we always had, but he took us to school every morning. He took us to movies and always was up for some adventure. For example: There was a hill by our house that was called "Killer Hill". It was the best place to sled in the winter, but was super scary. It was straight down. One day, on the way to school, Joe decided that we needed to drive down Killer Hill. I remember "covering my eyes" (you know the way you did when you were little, with your fingers spread apart so you could still see) and screaming the whole way. My sister and I nearly died of fright, but also thought it was the coolest thing ever. These aren't the things that made Joe great though.

He was my hero. God knew what He was doing when He brought Joe into my life. It was definitely his perfect timing. Joe changed the course of my life and brought a sense of peace to me that I hadn't experienced in a long time. He brought the end to a horrible period of time in my life (one that is far too personal to share on a blog). He literally saved me.

I remember the day that Joe ended up in jail. Joe had a rough life before he came to live with us, and he ended up in a lot of trouble. When Joe got out of jail he went into the Army. I remember writing him letters, sending him care packages, and anxiously waiting from letters from him. I still have one that I keep in my jewelry box.

I remember the day that he moved back home to Montana. I was much older at this point. In fact, it was the summer before my senior year in high school. Unfortunately, I didn't have time for Joe. I kept thinking, I will see him sooner or later. Well, that day never came. A couple of weeks after moving back, he passed away. I remember getting the call. I desperately wish that I would have made it a priority to see him.

It saddens me that his baby girl will never know how great of a person her daddy is. Just like God knew what He was doing when He sent Joe to me, He knew what He was doing when He took Him away. I love you Joe and miss you.

Spend as much time as you can with those you love. Don't take them for granted. Also, we never know when it will be our time to go. Keep God at the center of your life. Live for Him.


  1. That was beautiful, josie!! I never got to meet him but from reading this i know he was a wonderful person. Blessings to you and your family!!
