Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Little Man

Today was such a fun day with Moses. He is such a neat little person and since I have had Emery my attention has definitely been divided and I have missed the old relationship that we had before she came. Well today worked out perfect because Emery was up all morning and during Moses' naps, so when Moses woke up she slept for the majority of the time. This allowed me to have special one-on-one time with Moses.

I can't believe how fast Moses is growing up and how quickly he learns things. (I say this all the time but it is so incredible to me). Moses loves cooking so we are always looking for things that are safe for him to help us with. This afternoon we made orange jell-o. The best part was watching him eat it though. I showed him how it wiggled, so he would scoop it out of his bowl, wiggle it around, shove it in his mouth and laugh really hard. So precious :)

Another thing that Moses loves to do is read books. He has this Baby Bible that he is really into right now. I have been teaching him about all the animals that are on the Noah 's Ark page and the sounds that they make. It is the cutest thing ever to hear him make the sounds. So far he has learned the snake, lion, and monkey. The monkey by far is the best though because instead of saying "ooh-ooh ah-ah" he says "ah-ah" in a super high pitched scream. Today while we were reading he pointed to the turtle and said turtle for the first time. I love hearing him say new words.

Something that I realized today is that Moses has such a huge heart. He loves so deeply. He hugs and kisses all the things he cares about frequently. The other day I was crying and he climbed up in my lap and started wiping the tears off my face, which only made me cry more. The first thing he says when he wakes up is "Baby" and wants to see and kiss his sister. This melts my heart.

Here is him loving on Bear Bear:

Another one with Sissy:

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