Friday, March 12, 2010

Why Did I Do That?

As I was playing with Moses today, he decided that it would be a good idea to bang on his head with his drumstick. The first time he whined, but then he kept doing it! At first I tried to get him to stop but he was determined that he wanted to keep hitting himself, so I let him. I thought it was really silly that he continued to do something that he knew was going to hurt him.

How often are we like this as humans though? How many people have been in a relationship like this? How many have used a substance like this? There are so many more situations that I could name but I think I have made my point. I know several times in my life I knew something was bad for me, and even after I felt the Holy Spirit convicting me of it and warning me of the dangers, I proceeded to do it again.

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