Monday, March 1, 2010

Turning the Bad into Good

In an effort to focus on things I am grateful for, I will start with the later part of my day and briefly touch on the rough part. Jarrell had to take his work computer to the Apple Store, so while we were out and about we decided to get some Japanese food, which happens to be my favorite. We are always hesitant to try new Japanese places because they can be so hit and miss, but I sure am glad that we did. This place literally was the best Japanese place I have ate at since leaving New York. (it is really sad, but I didn't even catch the name of it) My dinner consisted of Fried Tofu in an amazing sauce (eaten like soup), a huge seafood salad, and a California Roll, since I can't eat the good stuff right now. At dinner Jarrell looked at me and said, "I know why people love Japanese food. It is like an amusement park ride for your mouth." I thought this was so hilarious! Afterwards, we topped of dinner with Starbucks which made it an even better night.

Moses had such a rough day, which in turn made me have a rough day. He is refusing to take naps lately, even when he is so tired all he can do is fall over and cry. I was really losing my patience with him, but even in the midst of this moment God spoke to me. Two things that really stuck out to me were:

#1- I kept thinking of how 1 Corinthians 13 starts out with Love is patient. I began to realize in order to follow through with the rest of the verses, you first have to have patience.

#2- I thought about how patient God is with me/us. There are so many times in my life, like Moses, that there is something that I desperately need (whether that is prayer or to be in the word) and I don't doing, making my condition only worse. God is so patient with us in those moments and will be by our side no matter how many times we have to repeat a lesson or how stubborn we are.

I am so thankful that God can use tough times to teach us/remind us of important principles.

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