Friday, May 14, 2010

Ten Things

I never had intended staying at home with Moses full time, but it has turned out to be the biggest blessing in disguise. I haven't been able to find a job since moving to California and now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was God's plan. I have really been trying to be intentional with my time with Moses because Emery will be here any day now. He is such a neat little person and I never realized I could love someone so deeply. I created a list of my top ten favorite things about him (which there are thousands, but these are the ones that I currently enjoy the most):

#1-The way he looks at me when I pick him up out of his crib after he has been sleeping. He is overjoyed to see me and it melts my heart every time.

#2- He is such a snuggle bug and will crawl right up next to me on the couch and hold my hand and sit with me forever

#3- The way that he "runs away" from me (which is right to me)

#4- Whenever he does something good he claps for himself until I clap with him and gets the hugest smile on his face

#5- His wet slobbery kisses on my face

#6- This kid has some serious dance moves. Watch out world we have the next MJ on our hands

#7-I love how he gets jealous over me (I know he is not suppose to do this). If Jarrell is sitting too close to me on the couch he has to get on top of me or in between us

#8-I love how much he loves Jarrell. He will follow him around and wants to do whatever he is doing

#9- His sweet little laugh when you tickle him

#10- His huge precious smile which lights up his face and everyone else around him

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