Monday, March 8, 2010

Monkey See, Monkey Do

It always amazes me, yet scares me, how much Moses imitates the actions of other people (especially me and Jarrell). There are so many things that he does now that I never taught him but he learned by just watching. Mostly recently he decided that he had to dip his fries in ketchup because that is what his daddy does. He refused to eat them without doing it too. Also, he will take a wipe and clean his hands, toys, the carpet, the kitchen floor, and whatever else he can find. Below is a video of Moses wanting to wear a snowboarding helmet because Jarrell was wearing it around the house.

I know these are small examples of imitation, but they made me realize a couple of bigger principles. The first is that as Moses continues to grow older his words, choices, reactions to situations, and every aspect of his life will be an imitation of those around him. Most importantly an imitation of the lives that Jarrell and I choose to live. This is a huge personal challenge for me because I know that some of the things I say or do, I would not want Moses to repeat. I need to continue to strive towards holiness for God, but also to make a bigger impact on the people around me.

The second thought that came to me was based on Genesis 5:1 "This is the written account of Adam's line. When God created man, he created him in the likeness of God." My life should resemble that of Jesus'. I can try to achieve this through "watching him" (like Moses watches me) throughout his life as presented in the Gospels. I know that these are really simple principles, but they are good reminders of who I want to be and how to live me life.

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