Sunday, February 28, 2010

Serving Others

Yesterday evening I had a conversation with a friend that I hadn't spoken to in a while that left me feeling inspired. She recently underwent surgery to give her kidney to her cousin who needed one. I began to think of this selfless act and the implications of it. She risked her health, gave up her time, gave up her comfort, and was extremely brave. Through this, I realized how great an act of service this was. It really humbled me and I came to realize how little of my time and my life that I give to others. I am not talking huge acts, such as what my friend did, but more day to day ways that I could help others and how little it would affect me. My prayer through this is just to look for ways and opportunities in which I can give of the resources that God has given me, whatever that may look like.

I am so grateful that God uses ordinary people to show His love and to display His glory to this world. I want to be one of those people.

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