Thursday, May 16, 2013

|Virtual| Coffee Date

If we were having coffee this morning, you would probably sense that I am way more relaxed than I have been in a while. We would also be sharing an amazing Black & White that I found at a local Deli, thanks to a friend. {BTW- I am not sure what it is about these cookies but I have been New York Dreaming lately...I must make a trip, but have no idea when or how}

I would tell you how I went away last weekend with a couple of girlfriends and it was exactly what I needed. We stayed at a beautiful beach resort at Mission Bay in San Diego. We didn't have a schedule and that was the most amazing feeling in the world. The night that we got there we unpacked our stuff and laid out by the pool. It was so peaceful and relaxing, and I was even able to read a magazine without interruption! After we laid out, we went back to the room and got ready for the evening. We all packed at separate locations and even picked out our outfits separately, but we ended up wearing the same color scheme...I wish that we would have got a picture. We went out a fantastic fondue restaurant called Forever Fondue in La Jolla. I haven' t ate that much in a long time but everything was so good. After getting lost, thanks to bad I-phone directions, we made it back to our resort in time to go on a moonlight boat cruise that is sponsored by the hotel. We went around Mission Bay and had a lot of great conversation. It was so special to me to be able to spend the time with two ladies that mean the world to me and know me so well. We were able to reflect on the past year, talk about the future, and the ups and downs of life. 

The next morning we woke up late (8am is late for a mama of 3 little kids). We slowly got ready and made our way to a yummy breakfast that we scored for free thanks to my friends charm. After that we laid out for a couple hours, went shopping, and hit up Sonic's Happy Hour. So many of my favorite things, with some of my favorite people, wrapped up into a wonderful couple of days. When I got home, I felt recharged.

This is where we stayed. Isn't it beautiful?
I would tell you how there are some really exciting things happening in our life and would ask you to be praying with me and my family as we navigate them. It never ceases to amaze me how God works and how exciting it can be to follow Him, even if means trusting beyond what you can see.

I would tell you how I am reading a new book called One Thousand Gifts, that was recommended to me by a friend. One challenge of the book is A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are. I am keeping a journal for a year of 1,000 gifts in my life, which is roughly twenty a week. It is incredible how many things I have been missing or taking for granted because my eyes weren't open to them. A friend of mine did this a year ago, and I saw it transformed parts of her life, so I am excited to begin the journey. 

I would tell you how much I have learned to value community over the past three years. How this was something that used to be incredibly hard for me, but that has grown me significantly. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your virtual coffee date blog post series. Great idea! :)
