Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tusen Takk {Week of 5.11}

As some of you may know, I am currently reading One Thousand Gifts and keeping a "gift journal" for a year that will record 1,000 gifts, which equates to about 20 a week. You may wonder, what are these "gifts"? They are ordinary and everyday things. They are moments that may mean nothing to anyone else other than you. I am only one week in and am amazed at how many things I have to be thankful for and how this has shifted my attitude. Today I was spending time with a friend and she had Tussen Takk written on her arm. I found out that it means one thousand thanks in Norwegian. I thought this was so fitting for the journey that I am on right now, so I am going to share some of my gifts with you each week in a series titled Tusen Takk. Some of the things that I am thankful for are deeply personal and some implicate the amazing people in my life, whose lives' I don't want to put on blast, so I will just be sharing a few out of the twenty with you. I encourage you to share with me in this journey...

#1- Earlier this week I was sitting on the couch drinking a cup of coffee. Moses was kicking a soccer ball around the living room and stopped all of a sudden. He looked up at me and said, "Mama, do you love me?" I responded, "Of course I love you, do you love me?" He smiled and said, "The MOST" At times parenting can be so hard, but it is moments like these that make it all worth it.

#2- Inspired by a conversation with a friend, I had a very honest, rough conversation with God this week about something from my past. It has been a really long time since I have hashed something out like this and it kind of reminded me of when Jacob wrestled the angel. I felt so free after it.

#3- I was in Target and my kids were on full meltdown mode. They were screaming and crying in line and I was in a hurry to get back to our car because I was so embarrassed. I turned around and saw an elderly lady behind me in an electric cart struggling to get her groceries on the checkout stand. Even though I wanted to get to the cart, I stopped and assisted this elderly lady and she was so thankful. I am usually in a massive rush and I was so thankful for slowing down and being able to help someone in need.

#4-Moses wrote his name by himself for the first time in my Mother's Day card.

#5-I read this article earlier this week about allowing your kids to get bored. It was talking about how boredom leads to creativity. I decided to give it a try and it worked! The kids excitedly called for me to come into their room. They made me take a seat and performed a circus for me. It started by Mimi saying "Ladies and Gentlemen" and Moses saying "Boys and Girls" It was so cute. 

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