Thursday, May 2, 2013

Weigh In Day

I want to apologize to everyone who is following my weight loss journey and looked for this post on Monday, which is when I weigh in and post the results. 

Last week I ate the WORST and exercised the LEAST. I didn't have any weight change this week, so I am still at 183. (32 pounds lost). This is the first week I haven't lost weight. I was relieved that I didn't gain weight given my diet and lack of exercise. This week made me realize that I need to work on the eating healthier portion of the equation. It is easier for me to push myself to exercise, but takes me a lot more to be disciplined in eating well. 

In the future, if I go more than one day past my weigh in day without posting results, someone please call me out. More than likely it means that I am not wanting to be real with you all. 

Thanks for all who are encouraging me on this journey. Sometimes I lose sight of the overarching goal, so my motto this week for my diet and exercise is:

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