Thursday, November 1, 2012

They Fit-Update #1

Yesterday I took Amariah to the doctor and I wanted to share two highlights with you all.

Less than a week ago, I posted about my post-pregnancy weight loss plans. If you missed it you can read about it here. I already have my first update for you all. I am so excited and shocked about the results. Here is a quick over view of my goals:

#1- To lose all the weight that I gained with Amariah
#2- To lose my post-Emery weight gain of 20 pounds
#3- Healthy range of weight for my height, I haven't landed on a number yet.

So, as of yesterday, I officially have met my first goal. Like I said in my last post, I don't own a scale, so I wasn't sure where I was at with this goal, but yesterday when I took Amariah to the doctor I weighed myself. Much to my surprise, I have already lost all the weight I gained with her +1 pound! So to reach my second goal, I need to lose 19 more pounds. I am really excited because right now I am not even trying and I am getting results, so I can't wait until I am actually exercising. One thing I do know, is that in this pregnancy I made better decisions regarding what I ate and those are continuing now. I only wish that I had made the same choices in pregnancies one and two, but I can't go back and change that, so I am focusing on now. I can't wait to share this journey, as I feel like it will help me stay on track to my goals. 

Amariah's appointment went really well too. It was her two week checkup and the doctor was hoping that she would get back up to her birth weight. She not only got back to her birth weight but gained an extra pound and two ounces, which was no surprise to me because she loves to eat. Here she is at two weeks old:

One day we will get a picture when she isn't sleeping! 


  1. That's awesome Josie! All your kids are so beautiful!

  2. And I get to meet her tomorrow!!!! :) YAY! Can't wait!
