Thursday, November 8, 2012

Heavy Heart

I usually tend to look at all situations in life in light of the bigger picture. I know that my family and I are blessed in so many ways, that most people aren't. The situations that are the hardest for me to deal with involve my children. With that being said, I feel so incredibly stuck right now. My heart is heavy and I have cried many tears over what we are going to do when I go back to work after my pregnancy leave. Our current situation was/is fine for Moses and Emery, but will not be with Amariah. I literally have never felt more helpless as a mom. I absolutely have to work, at least for the time being, but childcare is so expensive, especially with an infant. 

I am not really sure where I am going with this... I guess it would be wonderful if you could all pray for God's direction and wisdom for our family. For His provision. For His good and perfect will. Also, if you know a nanny that would be a good fit for our family (live in or out) please send them my way or if you have any other suggestions regarding childcare, please let me know. 


  1. That is one of the hardest things Josie. We interviewed lots when Sean was a baby. Some were weirdos. Can you extend your leave for awhile? Infant child care is expensive but it is piece of mind knowing trained people (not just one, so you know that your child will be looked after by many eyes) will care for her. It goes by so fast but means pinching pennies. Can you do part time and baby swap with a friend? Will say a prayer that it works out for you. Love Auntie Terri

  2. praying LOTS! wish I could help in some more tangible way. love you and your family!
