Wednesday, November 7, 2012


One thing that I have really enjoyed about being home, has been watching my kids interact. I don't know if it is because of the new baby or because Emery is a little bit older, but Moses and Emery are the best of friends. They have such huge imaginations and play all sorts of fun things together. They love each other and look out for one another. If one of them is not happy the other is genuinely concerned. It really melts my heart. They have also developed a deep love for Amariah (Emery's is a little more hit and miss) and they always want to hold her and shower her with kisses. When I see the love that they have for each other, my heart couldn't be happier, and I pray that they will always have a close bond. 

Excuse the poor quality...Here are so sibling love pictures

The other day Moses and Emery would not take a nap. We could hear them giggling and whispering so we knew they were up to something. When we  checked on them they had set up a tent in their room, moved all their bedding into it, and decided to camp out together for their nap. Once again, we have Curious George to thank, because we had just read a story about when George went camping in a tent. 

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