Friday, November 2, 2012

Heart Check

Recently I had a once in a lifetime type of experience. Several other people were present, but I am not sure they felt the same way, but God used this to challenge me and to start to transform my mind and my life. Vonette Bright (who was the wife of Bill Bright, the man who founded Campus Crusade, Jesus Film, Athletes in Action, etc.) came and spoke at Forest Home, the place where Jarrell and I work. Bill and Vonette Bright were shaped greatly by Henrietta Mears, the lady who founded Forest Home, and the ministry of Forest Home.

Vonette shared about her life, her and Bill's love story, how she came to know the Lord, the ministries that Bill started (and her role in them), her time with Miss Mears, and her time at Forest Home. The whole time you could tell how deeply in love she had been with her husband. She always spoke of him in the highest regard and beamed when she recounted their love story. What amazed me the most, was her unending support and complete surrender to God's plan for her husband's life and what her role was in that.

She was a complete servant, which wasn't always the case. Early in their marriage she asked God to transform her heart in the day to day events in her life. She said slowly her perspective changed and she became increasingly happy with even the smallest tasks. Due to her dependence on God, she may have been the most calm spirited, loving, gentle lady that I have ever been around. She is the type of wife and mother that I want to be.

I am not sure about you, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed with the day to day tasks. As much as I love my kids and my husband, at times I get tired of the endless amounts of dishes, laundry, cleaning, and cooking. I feel like I continually serve and to be honest, at times I get tired. At times I feel like my life she be much more glamorous than it is. It is at these times, that I need to be more like Vonette. I need to depend more on God and rely on him to transform my heart. My kids and husband are the most wonderful gifts that ever have been given to me and I want to be more content with serving them, even in the smallest things.

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