Friday, October 26, 2012

They Fit!

I can't even begin to tell you all how ecstatic I am right now! As some of you read, this morning I decided to put on some of my pre-pregnancy jeans and they fit! I didn't even have to try and squeeze myself into them or anything. When I picked them up off the ground, I was not expecting them to fit at all, I was just simply curious as to how long it could potentially be until I wore them again. Now before some of you freak out, I am not on a crazy diet or anything like that. I am not on a diet at all. In fact, I am eating more now than ever. I attribute being able to wear my pants again to a few things: I didn't gain much weight at all in my pregnancy, I was extremely active the whole time, I ate fairly well, and Amariah is a power eater. All of these things didn't happen in my last pregnancies. 

I am very aware of the fact that I just had a baby, so I know that my body has some limitations right now, but I am intentionally planning on how I will live after those limitations are removed. I am setting very distinct goals and methods on how I plan to reach them, all being very healthy and realistic. The reason that I am doing this is because pre-Amariah I was very unhappy with my body and with myself. I had gained 20 pounds post-Emery and was the biggest I had ever been. I had a million excuses, I had two kids, I worked full time, I didn't have time to exercise, my eating habits weren't that bad, etc. All I have to say to that is those were all lies I told myself and I will not live by them any longer.

The fact of the matter is this, I love food and struggle with moderation. One of my bosses always used to say, "If you say yes to something, you are saying no to something else." In this case, I was saying yes to food and no to being healthy. I was saying yes to chocolate and peanut butter (a deadly combo for me) and no to being able to wear the clothes that I wanted to. 

So what is my end goal? My first goal is to lose all of the weight I had gained with Amariah. I don't have a scale nor plan on owning one for awhile, so I don't know if I have achieved that yet or not. My second goal is to lose the extra 20 pounds I gained after I had Emery. My last goal is to get into a healthy range of weight for my height. The end number doesn't matter to me. I just want to be healthy which means I will exercise regularly and consistently make healthy eating choices. 

Once I really begin this journey, which will be when my doctor releases me to exercise and when he recommends that I can safely reduce my calorie intake (in a way that doesn't affect nursing) I will be posting regularly about my progress. At the bottom I have included a goal picture of what I want to look like when than process is done. Mind you, this is not a time in my life when I was at my thinnest, yet a time when I regularly exercised and practiced some decent eating habits. I understand however, that I have had three children since this picture and my body may not be capable of reaching this point, so this is just an idea. (This isn't the best example either, but I seriously have very few pictures that show my body):


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