Saturday, July 31, 2010

Two is Better Than One

I forgot to do a two month update on Emery, so here it goes:

*She weighs 14 lbs. (which is the 95%)
*She is 24 3/4 inches (also 95%)
*She smiles all the time and is still really verbal. My guess is she will be an early talker.
*She loves to be propped up so that she can watch what is going on.
*For the most part she is sleeping 6-8 hours at night, which is amazing!

Emery has grown so fast that I don't even feel like she is a baby anymore. She is going to be one tough little girl thanks to Moses. He loves to "cuddle" with her, which entails him running and laying right on top of her (body tackle style).

Moses is seventeen months:

*He is becoming more verbal. His newest word is Carly, which is his "Aunt". He totally knows who she is, but says Carly all day long and to everything. This is always what he does when he learns a new word. Some other new words include: turtle, fishy, and poo poo.
*He is extremely interested in cooking which is really fun. He always has to help in some way or another and imitates me while I am cooking. I always have to check my oven now before turning it on because he likes to put stuff inthere. I burnt several forks in the last couple of weeks :)
*Moses LOVES to read. His favorite book right now is Moo Baa LaLaLa. It is so funny to watch him read it. He has it memorized and you can turn the pages and he makes all the sound effects just by looking at the pictures. It is adorable.
*He recently got two goldfish, Mac & Cheese, as his first pets. They died within eight hours. :( We decided to go with a Beta, who is Mac (2).
*Moses loves brushing his teeth and can usually be seen carrying a toothbrush (we have 5 just for him). If he doesn't have a brush available he reminds me to brush his teeth by sticking his finger in his mouth, pretending to brush, and pointing to the bathroom door.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


It all started one day when I was in Target. I really wanted to buy a pair of baby leg warmers for Emery, but I couldn't justify paying the amount of money they wanted for them. I came home and looked on the internet hoping that I could find them for less money. Instead of finding some to purchase, I found out how I could make my own. I use to sew with my mom all the time when I was little but probably hadn't sewed in 15 years. I called up my friend and asked if she would teach me the basics. From there, I have been learning things on my own. It has been fun and an outlet for me. I have some included pictures below of the things that I have done so far:

My beautiful Tu-Tu Model

The Tu-Tu

Leg Warmers


Dress Detail

Some of my friends have been encouraging me to sell my stuff through and online store or a craft site, but I am not sure that I am quite ready for that yet. However, if there is something you or someone you know wants made, I would be fine with custom orders at this point. Just email me at or facebook me. I can do all the things above and also arm warmers too.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

30 Things

So after reading Jill's, I decided to do this, but it was harder than I thought it would be. I didn't want to tell you all basic things that you already knew, so hear you go:

#1- I never liked Coke until after I had Moses. After giving birth, they asked what I wanted to drink and I said Coke. Every since then I have been obsessed with it.

#2- I have a dual favorite color. I love lime and pink, but not separately, only together.

#3- I am probably one of the most indecisive people EVER. I can't make a decision and stick with it. I am one of those people who keep tags and receipts for everything I buy because I often return it and purchase something else.

#4- My favorite movie of all time is Sweet Home Alabama. I could watch it every day. Every time I see it, I cry. It evokes so many emotions in me, because I can relate to it on so many different levels.

#5- I have a deep respect for single moms. I really don't know how they do it.

#6- I LOVE college basketball. My favorite team is Duke.

#7- A lot of people say that if given the chance to go back they wouldn't change things, but not me. There are definitely very specific things that I would do differently.

#8-I desperately wished that we lived closer to my family or Jarrell's family, but as of now, it is not where God wants us.

#9-If I could change one thing (outside of salvation) it would be that people didn't see color. It breaks my heart.

#10-I prefer watching movies at home because I have to talk through them. I have so many questions. (Jarrell gets so annoyed with me)

#11-I think it is silly when people give me flowers. They die. I do love plants though.

#12-In the last seven years I have lived in six different states, spanning from coast to coast.

#13-My favorite city on the east coast is Boston and on the west coast is San Francisco.

#14-My ideal place to live would be somewhere on the Oregon Coast.

#15-I prefer pearls over diamonds.

#16-Being in the midst of God's creation, especially mountains, is where I experience God the most.

#17-I don't like to drive, at all.

#18-I tend to over think most things.

#19-I would prefer a meaningful card over a gift any day.

#20-I value loyalty. To God, to love, to family, and to friends.

#21-The first time that I saw my husband, I knew that I would marry him.

#22-I strive daily to be three things: more like Christ, a good wife, and a good mom.

#23-Jarrell and I went on two honeymoons a month apart.

#24-I despise horror movies. I think that there is enough evil in the world, that it doesn't need to be re-created and shown in movies.

#25-I used to be dog walker when I lived in New York. I got ridiculous amounts of money to walk rich people's dogs.

#26-I am actively working on being a better listener.

#27-I almost never order first at restaurants, even if I know what I want.

#28-It is so hard for me to buy something for myself even if it is something that I need. I always think about other ways that I could spend the money.

#29-My favorite portion of scripture is Psalm 27

#30-I am so thankful for the sacrifice of Jesus and the way that God has completely turned my life around through Him. I can't imagine having a better life than I do. Jarrell, Moses, and Emery are the biggest blessings and bring me so much joy.

PS- Jill I just commented on yours, but I think I will Facebook message you soon.

Friday, July 16, 2010


God has been working on my heart so much lately. Let me tell you---> It isn't easy. It is discouraging to see how many faults I still have. I have been really discouraged lately due to some life circumstances coupled with a heightened sense of my flaws. I think the circumstances, and my attitude towards them, have shown me the condition of my heart. I have realized how entitled I feel because I am a Christian. Sometimes I want life to be easy, comfortable. I have been feeling like I am doing something "wrong" because of the circumstances that I am in. Today God showed me that thinking is my small perspective. A lot of the time, circumstances (as long as they aren't due to consequences from choices that you made) are used to mold you, shape you, to be more like Christ. They can also be equipping you for a different phase of your life. I heard an awesome message today, which led me to study the verses further after I got home. In my Bible Study I came across this quote and it was much what I needed to hear:

Faith doesn’t make life easy; it helps us be faithful through the difficult times. -Henry Neufeld

I will leave you with these verses, which have greatly impacted me today ( I bolded the parts that really spoke to me):

Hebrews 12:1-6, 11
[1]Therefore, since we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race set before us,

[2]fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

[3]For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart,

[4]You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin;

[5]and you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as sons,


[11]All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Hero

The relationship that Moses and Emery have has been reminding me of my relationship with my big brother Joe. I have been thinking a lot about him lately. I called my mom today to talk to her about him, which she had been thinking about him too. It is his birthday today. I can't believe next month that he will have been gone for eight years. Few people have profoundly impacted my life the way that Joe did. I will start at the beginning. The time that I first met Joe.

Yes, I did say the first time that I met him. See, Joe was my mom's son from a different marriage. I did not know that I had a big brother until I was in the third grade! (I also had another brother, and two other sisters). Joe came to live with us when I was in the third grade. He was so tall, had the best smile, and (as I came to know later on) had the biggest heart. He was a senior in high school. You would think that a senior in high school would be annoyed at his two "new" sisters, but not Joe. He ate it up. He loved being our big brother. He could have let us keep riding the bus like we always had, but he took us to school every morning. He took us to movies and always was up for some adventure. For example: There was a hill by our house that was called "Killer Hill". It was the best place to sled in the winter, but was super scary. It was straight down. One day, on the way to school, Joe decided that we needed to drive down Killer Hill. I remember "covering my eyes" (you know the way you did when you were little, with your fingers spread apart so you could still see) and screaming the whole way. My sister and I nearly died of fright, but also thought it was the coolest thing ever. These aren't the things that made Joe great though.

He was my hero. God knew what He was doing when He brought Joe into my life. It was definitely his perfect timing. Joe changed the course of my life and brought a sense of peace to me that I hadn't experienced in a long time. He brought the end to a horrible period of time in my life (one that is far too personal to share on a blog). He literally saved me.

I remember the day that Joe ended up in jail. Joe had a rough life before he came to live with us, and he ended up in a lot of trouble. When Joe got out of jail he went into the Army. I remember writing him letters, sending him care packages, and anxiously waiting from letters from him. I still have one that I keep in my jewelry box.

I remember the day that he moved back home to Montana. I was much older at this point. In fact, it was the summer before my senior year in high school. Unfortunately, I didn't have time for Joe. I kept thinking, I will see him sooner or later. Well, that day never came. A couple of weeks after moving back, he passed away. I remember getting the call. I desperately wish that I would have made it a priority to see him.

It saddens me that his baby girl will never know how great of a person her daddy is. Just like God knew what He was doing when He sent Joe to me, He knew what He was doing when He took Him away. I love you Joe and miss you.

Spend as much time as you can with those you love. Don't take them for granted. Also, we never know when it will be our time to go. Keep God at the center of your life. Live for Him.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Little Man

Today was such a fun day with Moses. He is such a neat little person and since I have had Emery my attention has definitely been divided and I have missed the old relationship that we had before she came. Well today worked out perfect because Emery was up all morning and during Moses' naps, so when Moses woke up she slept for the majority of the time. This allowed me to have special one-on-one time with Moses.

I can't believe how fast Moses is growing up and how quickly he learns things. (I say this all the time but it is so incredible to me). Moses loves cooking so we are always looking for things that are safe for him to help us with. This afternoon we made orange jell-o. The best part was watching him eat it though. I showed him how it wiggled, so he would scoop it out of his bowl, wiggle it around, shove it in his mouth and laugh really hard. So precious :)

Another thing that Moses loves to do is read books. He has this Baby Bible that he is really into right now. I have been teaching him about all the animals that are on the Noah 's Ark page and the sounds that they make. It is the cutest thing ever to hear him make the sounds. So far he has learned the snake, lion, and monkey. The monkey by far is the best though because instead of saying "ooh-ooh ah-ah" he says "ah-ah" in a super high pitched scream. Today while we were reading he pointed to the turtle and said turtle for the first time. I love hearing him say new words.

Something that I realized today is that Moses has such a huge heart. He loves so deeply. He hugs and kisses all the things he cares about frequently. The other day I was crying and he climbed up in my lap and started wiping the tears off my face, which only made me cry more. The first thing he says when he wakes up is "Baby" and wants to see and kiss his sister. This melts my heart.

Here is him loving on Bear Bear:

Another one with Sissy:

Friday, July 9, 2010

There is a First Time for Everything

This has been a big week of firsts for us! This has included Moses first hair cut which was done by me and Jarrell. (I was more or less the distraction, but I did help). Moses and Emery took their first bath together which was super adorable. Moses helped wash her by dumping water on her from a bottle. Also, Emery had her first "camping trip". We stayed in a cabin where Jarrell works and it was so beautiful. We were in close quarters with one another (the cabin was one room) but it allowed me to witness some neat interactions between Emery and Moses. We all shared a bed and Moses kept leaning over and kissing Emery and she would smile really big. Then she would would turn her head to wherever Moses was so that she could always see him. I believe that they are going to be such close friends as they grow up. Moses had fun swimming in the kiddie pool and playing with lady bugs. Needless to say, we were able to spend a lot of quality time as a family this week and it was much needed and always makes my heart smile.

I have been struggling with so many different things lately, and yesterday I had an conversation with a close friend that left me feeling so blessed. We were talking about some of the different things that I have been struggling with lately and she said, "Josie, I know that you have your struggles internally but you are handling them so well externally. I know some days are probably better then others, but overall you are such an encouragement to me and teach me not to complain so much." We continued to talk and she was sharing with me how some other people had noticed this about me as well. (I am not saying this in a boastful way, so please do not take it like that). This was such a huge blessing to me because at a time when I can't see God working in my life and when I feel so lost, He is using me to glorify Him and challenge others in their own faith. This really reminded me that how we live our lives and the way we react to what life throws our way, can be a huge testimony to those around us. I am so thankful that through my friend, God allowed me to see a glimpse of the work that He is doing in me and through me.

I am super excited for tonight. A bunch of ladies from our church are getting together for sushi and someone is watching Moses for me so that I can join them! I always have a blast when we get together and it has been so long since I have been able to hang out with them, so this is going to be a real treat for me.