Friday, June 4, 2010

Two Babies

The good news is that having two babies (Moses 15 months, Emery 2 weeks) isn't as bad as I imagined it was going to be, but it is a lot of work. Moses is going through a terrible hitting phase and is teething so it has been rather challenging dealing with him. I had two big fears before having Emery.

#1- That I wouldn't love her as much as Moses
#2- I was worried about how Moses would adjust or react to her

Fortunately, both of these fears turned out to be false. Moses LOVES Emery, maybe even
too much. Our biggest struggle is keeping him away from her or off of her. The moment she came home, he was in love with her. He wants to get in her bassinet with her, hold her, carry her around, and gets really protective of her around other people. It is so amazing the love that he already has for her. To the right is a picture of him when he first held her. You can see how excited he was!

Emery is such a beautiful little girl and I love her just as much as Moses. I haven't been able to experience much of her personality yet because this child is a sleeper. She literally is only up about three hours a day (on a good day). Moses was never like that, so it is really weird to me, but is super helpful because I can spend quality time with Moses. I can't wait to see her grow and continue to develop.

I am really tired and my house is a disaster, but all in all I am adjusting fairly well. Please pray that God directs me as I am trying to figure out what I will be doing in terms of continuing to stay at home or work.

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