Sunday, June 13, 2010


I really don't have the adequate words to convey what I am about to say because how I feel is so much deeper than I can express, but here is my best try:

I have been brought to my knees and to tears lately by the wonderful friends and family that God has blessed us with. Even as I try to type this I am tearing up. There is no greater feeling in the world than knowing you have people around you how believe in you, love you, and support you in whatever way you need. We have such an amazing community here in California and it is incredible to me because we have only been here ten months. It is humbling because these people are truly expressions of God's own love towards me (and my family) and it is overwhelming.

On a slightly different note things are going pretty well. It is the busiest time of year for Jarrell right now, so that has been interesting for me. He is working fourteen hour days and will be for awhile, so I am basically a single mom. However, all these wonderful people I am talking about have made my life so much easier. I can't believe that Emery is already three weeks old and Moses just turned sixteen months. Time seems to be going faster everyday. I am really trying to enjoy these moments knowing they are going to be gone sooner than I realize. Moses cuddled up on the couch with me this morning (which he doesn't do nearly as often as he used to) and I was overfilled with love. It is so amazing how much joy a
child brings you. I am so thankful for my kids because they make me a better person. I will leave you with these wonderful picture of my beautiful children.

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