How often are we like this as humans though? How many people have been in a relationship like this? How many have used a substance like this? There are so many more situations that I could name but I think I have made my point. I know several times in my life I knew something was bad for me, and even after I felt the Holy Spirit convicting me of it and warning me of the dangers, I proceeded to do it again.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Why Did I Do That?
As I was playing with Moses today, he decided that it would be a good idea to bang on his head with his drumstick. The first time he whined, but then he kept doing it! At first I tried to get him to stop but he was determined that he wanted to keep hitting himself, so I let him. I thought it was really silly that he continued to do something that he knew was going to hurt him.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Monkey See, Monkey Do
It always amazes me, yet scares me, how much Moses imitates the actions of other people (especially me and Jarrell). There are so many things that he does now that I never taught him but he learned by just watching. Mostly recently he decided that he had to dip his fries in ketchup because that is what his daddy does. He refused to eat them without doing it too. Also, he will take a wipe and clean his hands, toys, the carpet, the kitchen floor, and whatever else he can find. Below is a video of Moses wanting to wear a snowboarding helmet because Jarrell was wearing it around the house.
I know these are small examples of imitation, but they made me realize a couple of bigger principles. The first is that as Moses continues to grow older his words, choices, reactions to situations, and every aspect of his life will be an imitation of those around him. Most importantly an imitation of the lives that Jarrell and I choose to live. This is a huge personal challenge for me because I know that some of the things I say or do, I would not want Moses to repeat. I need to continue to strive towards holiness for God, but also to make a bigger impact on the people around me.
The second thought that came to me was based on Genesis 5:1 "This is the written account of Adam's line. When God created man, he created him in the likeness of God." My life should resemble that of Jesus'. I can try to achieve this through "watching him" (like Moses watches me) throughout his life as presented in the Gospels. I know that these are really simple principles, but they are good reminders of who I want to be and how to live me life.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
TWO. The number of days this week that Moses decided to get up before 6:00 a.m. Anyone that knows me can attest to the fact that I am not a morning person, so this made these couple of days rough. However, I have had an amazing past couple of days despite this fact.
First, I saw an old friend from Michigan that I hadn't seen in a long time. He works with Wycliffe Bible Translators and was out on a trip in California, so me and another friend had lunch with him. It is always so awesome to hear how God is working in other people's lives and in different places.
Second, I met with some of the moms from church for an early lunch Saturday morning. One of the ladies husbands offered to watch Moses, so we all were without kids! I can't even tell you how refreshed I was after not having to take care of Moses for an hour and a half. I am so thankful for these group of ladies because they are all in the same place as me and I can learn from them and grow with them.
The dad who watched Moses has a daughter, Ava, who is like Moses little girlfriend. They are so sweet. Moses feeds her his cheerios, strokes her hair, holds her hand, and has even kissed her. So precious. Here is a picture of them from a couple of months ago.
I leave you with this verses:
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work. If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I Never Knew A Love Like This
*The picture above is one of my favorite pictures of Moses. He was about 1 month old and looked so peaceful.
One of the other greatest joys of parenthood is
watching Jarrell being a father and the relationship he has with Moses. Moses absolutely adores him and gets so excited when he hears the key turn in the door when Jarrell comes home from work. I can see so much of Jarrell's personality in Moses. They both love being around people, playing/hearing music, dancing (you should see them dancing to MJ), and are both ridicously persistent when they want something. I look forward to seeing Moses grow into the type of man that his father is. I am truly blessed that I have a godly husband who loves me and our child and would do anything for us, because I realize for a lot of women this isn't a reality.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Turning the Bad into Good
In an effort to focus on things I am grateful for, I will start with the later part of my day and briefly touch on the rough part. Jarrell had to take his work computer to the Apple Store, so while we were out and about we decided to get some Japanese food, which happens to be my favorite. We are always hesitant to try new Japanese places because they can be so hit and miss, but I sure am glad that we did. This place literally was the best Japanese place I have ate at since leaving New York. (it is really sad, but I didn't even catch the name of it) My dinner consisted of Fried Tofu in an amazing sauce (eaten like soup), a huge seafood salad, and a California Roll, since I can't eat the good stuff right now. At dinner Jarrell looked at me and said, "I know why people love Japanese food. It is like an amusement park ride for your mouth." I thought this was so hilarious! Afterwards, we topped of dinner with Starbucks which made it an even better night.
Moses had such a rough day, which in turn made me have a rough day. He is refusing to take naps lately, even when he is so tired all he can do is fall over and cry. I was really losing my patience with him, but even in the midst of this moment God spoke to me. Two things that really stuck out to me were:
#1- I kept thinking of how 1 Corinthians 13 starts out with Love is patient. I began to realize in order to follow through with the rest of the verses, you first have to have patience.
#2- I thought about how patient God is with me/us. There are so many times in my life, like Moses, that there is something that I desperately need (whether that is prayer or to be in the word) and I don't doing, making my condition only worse. God is so patient with us in those moments and will be by our side no matter how many times we have to repeat a lesson or how stubborn we are.
I am so thankful that God can use tough times to teach us/remind us of important principles.
Moses had such a rough day, which in turn made me have a rough day. He is refusing to take naps lately, even when he is so tired all he can do is fall over and cry. I was really losing my patience with him, but even in the midst of this moment God spoke to me. Two things that really stuck out to me were:
#1- I kept thinking of how 1 Corinthians 13 starts out with Love is patient. I began to realize in order to follow through with the rest of the verses, you first have to have patience.
#2- I thought about how patient God is with me/us. There are so many times in my life, like Moses, that there is something that I desperately need (whether that is prayer or to be in the word) and I don't doing, making my condition only worse. God is so patient with us in those moments and will be by our side no matter how many times we have to repeat a lesson or how stubborn we are.
I am so thankful that God can use tough times to teach us/remind us of important principles.
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