Sunday, October 14, 2012

Falling In Love With Fall

We have been so busy lately and there were so many things that I wanted to update all of you on, but never got around to. Basically, we have been enjoying the wonderful fall weather and spending our last month together as a family of four. I feel like it is such a bittersweet transition, definitely more sweet than bitter though :) Amariah will be joining us in approximately 5 days. I have already progressed quite a bit, so I am surprised that she hasn't made her entrance into the world yet. 

Some of the kids' favorite things to do right now are: skateboarding and bike riding, going down to the river, playing at the park, anything to do with Halloween (Moses wants to be a cowboy and Mimi wants to be Hello Kitty), and waiting for the snow (the kids are so excited to make snowmen). Also, Emery is really into dressing herself and the things that she comes up with are amazing! I can't believe I don't have any pictures to show you, but if you can imagine every type of accessory possible paired with pants, a tutu, a long sleeve shirt, and a short sleeve shirt, and two different shoes that is Emery's style. I always joke that if Heidi, Michael, or Nina saw her they would be seriously concerned about her styling and editing choices. (That is for all your Project Runway Lovers)

Here are some pictures to catch you all up... 

If you can't tell Emery was super excited for the pumpkin lollipop. She said, "Thank you mommy for getting this for me" at least twenty times

Emery is still super excited. Moses has never really understood the concept of lollipops

Emery conquering the monkey bars triangles (as she refers to them) with Daddy's help

Trying to do the climbing wall like Bubba.

Moses is proud of himself for making it to the top of the climbing wall

Daddy showed Moses a new way to go down the slide

I hope that you all are enjoying the fall weather as much as us!

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