Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Chocolate Covered, Mickey Mouse Strawberries

Yesterday I knew that I had a limited amount of time at home from the time that I got off work until I was leaving to go spend some time with girlfriends. As much as I need time away by myself, I can feel guilty taking that time away from the kids, but I know that balance for myself is important and healthy. Since this was planned, earlier in the week I thought of a special project that I knew that I could quickly do with Moses before I left, to spend some one on one time with him and make it a "special night" even though I was leaving. 

Thanks to inspiration of a friend, I picked up some strawberries, chocolate dip, and Mickey Mouse toothpicks to make chocolate covered strawberries, kid style. This is a super easy process that allows little hands to do the whole thing. Moses kept talking about future possibilites such as sprinkles, marshmallows, etc. so I feel like this will be a regular occurrence in our house. 

Here are some fun pictures:

Of course our Strawberries had to have Mickey Mouse toothpicks in them! This was such a fun project and it only took ten minutes total. We even threw in a little education in the mix with colors and counting, which is always good with Moses because I think that he is a kinesthetic learner. 

What are some activities that you enjoy doing with your children? I am always looking for fun little projects. 

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