Saturday, October 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Amariah

My kids love birthdays. For them it isn't just about the presents or the cake. They love the decorations, people gathering together, balloons, the singing, but their favorite part is the candles. Almost every night they thank Jesus for birthdays (even if we haven't been to or had a party for weeks). We were really hesitant about the transition of Baby Amariah coming, so we always explained it as her birthday. Since it was her birthday, of course it called for a party. In my mind I thought we would bring home a cake, throw some candles on it, and sing Happy Birthday. 

I should have known better. The day that Amariah was coming home Moses asked a ton of questions about her party. Who was coming? What food would be there? What type of decorations? What type of cake? Jarrell quickly realized that both kids were expecting a full out party. When he got to the hospital, he relayed the information to me. The day the kids met Amariah was really hard on Mimi (she hid in a closet from the baby almost the whole time), so we decided that we needed to have this party for her and Moses. We knew that it would help them bond in a special way. So once we left the hospital, our first stop was Target where we picked up all the essentials. Hello Kitty became the decorations of choice. We were hoping that if Amariah liked Hello Kitty (which is Mimi's favorite) that Mimi would relate to her in some way. At this point,  I know that we probably sound crazy and like we over thought this whole thing, but in the end, it really was great for the kids. 

The party ended up being close to perfect, minus the fact that some very special people were missing. The kids loved celebrating Amariah and helping her blow out her candle:

Amariah's First Birthday Cake, with one candle (for one day old)

Singing Happy Birthday and getting ready to blow out the candle. (Thanks for the picture Jacob Kaiser)

Happy Birthday Amariah

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