Friday, September 3, 2010

What is Your Story?

So recently we went to Family Camp at Forest Home where Jarrell works. It is a week long camp that has different sessions for each age group and a lot of activities that help you spend intentional time as a family. We were blessed to go with several of our friends and their families, which made the experience even richer. The speaker for the evening adult sessions was Albert Tate and let me tell you, he is an amazing speaker. You can listen to his sermons from Family Camp on the Forest Home Website. I really encourage you to check them out. Anyway, one thing that he spoke about really stuck out to me and I have been thinking a lot about lately. He talked about Revelation 12:11 which says, "And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death." Albert was saying that the blood of the Lamb is an extremely powerful, important thing. When it comes to the blood of the Lamb it could be the end of the conversation for us in how we overcome, but note what the verse says. It says the blood of the Lamb AND the word of their testimony. I was really challenged by this. Albert asked when the last time that we shared our story with someone. So often I am ashamed to tell my story. Afraid that people will misunderstand or judge me. Afraid that they will look down upon me, because this has happened in the past. However, none of that should matter. God has done some amazing things in my life and it is about time that I share them with others. When is the last time that you shared your story? How many people do you live life with each day that really don't know much about you? What you have gone through can be such a tremendous source of encouragement for someone going through the same thing as you, or for someone facing a trying time.

Here are some pictures of our week that highlight the time we spent as a family and with friends.

This is Moses and his friend Hailey

The Kids Table

The Gang without the Kids

Moses' First Horseback Ride

Playing at the Lake

Daddy and Emmy

Daddy and the Babies

1 comment:

  1. This post was very thought provoking. I'm so glad you guys had such an awesome time. <3
