Thursday, September 16, 2010

It's All Part of the Plan...

So Moses likes this show on Playhouse Disney called "Special Agent Oso" and it has this funny little bear that helps kids solve problems. He always gets into situations when things don't go exactly the way he planned and he says, "It is all part of the plan...more or less." I love it because I feel like that is such a good motto for life in general. How often do things really go according to the way we plan them or think they should go.

As most of you know, over a year ago we moved to Redlands, California so that Jarrell could take a job at Forest Home (which is a Christian Camp and Conference Center). We had certain expectations for our new home and situation and were completely filled with hope. I only needed to work about 15 hours a week for us to be set financially, which shouldn't have been a problem. One month went job, then two, then three, and so on. As each month went by, each resume went out, each interview yielded nothing, my hope diminished more and more. When we found out I was pregnant again (with Emery) we were filled with joy but were a little nervous about the added financial stress in the midst of our already uncertain situation. I knew that God had a plan and purpose for us but I felt lost, confused, and disappointed.

Well, God did have a plan, a PERFECT PLAN. I am not sure why He waited over a year to let it play out, but at this point and time I don't really care. I have learned so much the past year and I know that I wouldn't have grown as much as I have, if I didn't experience this time in my life.
There have been so many blessings that have flown out of this trying time. I was able to stay at home with my kids for a really long time. Even though it wasn't under the best circumstances, I wouldn't give that time back for anything.

Next Tuesday I will be starting at Forest Home as the Retail Manager. I am beyond excited to be part of an amazing ministry as well as doing something I am passionate about. I could not think of a more perfect job.

So remember when life gets tough, "It is all part of the plan...more or less."


  1. so fun! isn't it great how God can use such simple things to teach us complex lessons. i'm sooo excited to work with you!

  2. I am so happy and proud of you for getting the job. What a blessing. And lol to our talk about a month ago. Remember, we both said that we know God will provide and we'll laugh at ourselves for every worrying. :) love ya!
