Friday, September 10, 2010

19 Months

Today has been such a great day already, but one of the best reasons is that Moses is 19 months old today. I can't believe that he is closer to two than he is to one! Also, I am amazed at the fact that I am writing this post on time :)

Moses has the best personality ever. I know that I am a little biased, but really I don't think that Moses has ever met a stranger. He smiles at everyone and makes them engage with him. I can't even express the amount of joy this little person has brought into my life.

A little update on Moses:

*His vocabulary is continuing to grow rapidly. His most recent words include: Matt, Lee (Liz), bowl, and outside.
*Jarrell recently taught him how to spit over a railing, so now every time hesees a railing he wants to lean over it and spit.
*He has developed quite the love for ketchup and BBQ sauce.
*He loves songs that have motions and he does well imitating them. My favorite is watching him try and make the itsy bitsy spider.
*I can't believe how strong willed this child is. He is so determined to do things the way that he wants, when he wants, and is extremely persistent in this.

These pictures were taken yesterday at Big Bear, CA.

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