Life has been crazy for us lately and I will hopefully be able to blog more consistently again. Once again, I am late on the baby updates.
Moses is Eighteen Months Old:
I can't believe my "baby" is a year and a half old. He is growing up way too fast.
*He is developing really funny preferences like the color of bowl that he eats out of or the sippy cup he uses. He definitely has his favorites.
*He has finally tripled his birth weight and weighs 24 pounds. (25%)
*Moses loves animals. When we are out and about he points out every animal and imitates the noise that they make, it is so fun!
*He is learning so quickly right now, he learns a couple of new words everyday and even uses mini sentences now. His must recent words include:shoes, water, squirrel, stairs, and the phrase Where Go? for when someone leaves or he is looking for something,
*Moses will not stay in his crib anymore which is super challenging for nap time. He just climbs out and opens the door. Here is a video of him escaping.
Emery is three months:
*She is 17 pounds, which she has already doubled her birth weight!
*She continues to become more verbal and really observes what is going on around her. Her favorite things to watch are Moses and her hand.
*She loves it when you sing to her, especially if you are doing motions.
*She is such a big smiler and is almost always content.
Here is a picture of them together: