Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things...

Moses is at such a fun age right now! I can't believe the rate at which he learns new things and how quickly he is developing. He sure is an active little guy but I am really blessed that he is healthy. Some of his latest and cutest things are:

Uh-Oh: When you say Uh-Oh, Moses will put his hands over his face/head like he has experienced some horrible tragedy. The best part though is that he has the biggest smile on his face when he does it. (The pictures above don't even begin to capture the cuteness of this)

Throwing his head Back: When Moses thinks something is really funny he will throw his head back and start laughing. He learned this from watching my friends' mom and it is so cute!

Da-Da: Anytime Moses sees a picture of Jarrell in our house or in his wallet, his eyes get really big, he smiles, points, and yells da-da. So precious. *Now only if he did that for me :)

Blowing his nose: Moses absolutely despises his nose getting wiped, so Jarrell taught him how to blow his nose. When you hold the tissue up to his nose and tell him to blow he does. It makes the cutest little noise.

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