Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lazy Saturday

Today has been such a great day already. It has been a perfect mix of relaxation and productivity. I completely understand why God created a day for rest, because we absolutely NEED it. (I know that some people believe different things regarding the day, the purpose, whether it is still valid, etc. but I am not wanting to get into all of that on my blog). 

This morning I let Jarrell sleep in and tackled baby duty by myself. After he woke up, he let me go back to bed. It was so delightful. Let me tell you, being pregnant, plus working, plus baby chasing, plus extreme heat makes for one tired mama. I woke up to lots of laughing so I thought I would see what was going on. Jarrell had invented this imaginary game where the kids made birthday cakes, cooked them, sang happy birthday, blew out the candles, ate the cakes, and opened presents.  The kids loved it. I sat back, with a party hat on of course, as they went through the whole process for my birthday. Honestly, it is moments like these that I love Jarrell even more. I am not very creative, so I love that he interacts with our kids in these ways. He even made it educational. (As the cakes were cooking they had to count the time until they were ready.) 

For Father's Day, I decided to buy a new camera that not only takes pictures, but also video. We finally received it in the mail (which is a whole different story) and I am so happy with how much he loves it and the quality of pictures and videos it takes. It literally was worth every penny. A coworker is teaching Jarrell some things about photography and he is definitely really excited about it. This is a picture I took of Mimi. 

The last great thing about today so far, came from Jarrell too. He needed to weed eat the yard but couldn't find his safety goggles or his sunglasses. I looked out the window and he was wearing Mimi's polka-dot Hello Kitty baby glasses. I almost took a picture, but figured he would kill me, so I thought I would share it with all of you instead :) I am looking forward to the rest of the day and hope that your day is just as amazing as mine.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it! and though my day has been pretty great, it doesn't compare to spending time with you and your beautiful babies! I love you and miss you guys lots!
