Sunday, September 4, 2011

Keeping It Real

You would think that by now I would know myself pretty well, but I am constantly learning about who I am. Some of the things are really important and are deep into the core of who I am as a person, while other things are small. The small things don't really define me as a person, but are preferences. I have been doing a lot of reflecting lately

We will start with the small things first because they are less personal.

I am a Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf kind of girl. I just wish that hey had a drive thru because it is more convenient with two small children.

I really enjoy reading and wish that I had more time to devote to it.

Coke Zero >Diet Coke. Frozen Yogurt >Ice Cream. Iced Coffee>Hot Coffee.

Now that you are aware of a bunch of useless information regarding me, lets move on to the bigger things. I care deeply about all the people in my life whether they are supporting roles, minor roles, or extras that were in a couple of scenes and never show up again. It was not a surprise to me when I took the Strength Finders Test and got a result of Individualization. You can read more about it with the link, but in a nutshell it means that I love and have the ability to spot the differences in people. They inspire me and motivate me. For each person in my life, this is very true. Each unique print that you have left on my life is invaluable.

At this point and time you may wonder where I am going with this... I have known for awhile, but have recently learned to a greater extent, that I am incapable of adequately expressing my love for people.  I wish that all the people in my life could tap into the part of my heart that is represented by them and see that love, so that I did not have to try to communicate it or try to show it. At times, I fear what this may do to my marriage or to my relationships with my babies as they get older. It is my prayer that God changes my heart and teaches me to articulate my love and gratitude for others in real, beautiful, tangible ways. I hope as time passes, that you all will see a transformation in my life regarding this and will be blessed by it.

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