Monday, August 29, 2011

Things I Love

There are so many things that I am loving about life lately and I would love to share them with you all.

I have started working out again! This is a really big deal for me because I have always been healthy and every since I have had Moses and Emery, this has not been the case. I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and got some not so great news. It looks like I have liver problems (there is still a lot more testing to be done) and he told me that I wasn't healthy. I am not very old and I decided that I was going to take care of myself the best that I can which means I need to eat better and exercise. I have been doing HIIT workouts and running. I will keep you all posted on the results.

I learned how to make traditional Chai Tea and it is absolutely amazing. It is low in sugar, inexpensive, and easy. I am drinking a glass as I write this blog and it makes my heart happy :)

I got my first ever smart phone. I can't believe this is even on my list. My husband had to convince me to get it but I love my new Iphone.

Recently, a co-worker of mine asked me to lead a session at a Junior High Retreat for girls. I am not in love with speaking in front of a lot of people, but I am super excited about this awesome opportunity. The name of the conference is Seeds and is put on by Forest Home Ojai Valley, which is the other camp owned by the camp that I work at.

I have been reading/researching a lot about Henrietta Mears, which is the lady that founded Forest Home. She was an incredible lady and I am blessed to be a part of the work that she started so long ago.  She is such an influential, inspiring lady. There are several books written about her and I just recently finished the one called "Teacher"

Recently I got a haircut that I love. It is shorter and easier to manage.

I am definitely enjoying a slower pace these days. Working in the camping industry you don't have a summer. It is one of the most crazy, intense experiences of your life. I love it, but I am happy to be in a slower season for a little bit which means I get to spend more time with my husband and babies.

So it is nearly impossible to get a picture of Moses and Emery together, let alone a good one, but this one turned out pretty good. Moses is saying "Cheese" and Emery is saying "NO" :)
Moses helping me cook chicken enchiladas. I love his big cheesy smile.

My beautiful baby girl at 15 months.

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