Yesterday evening I had a conversation with a friend that I hadn't spoken to in a while that left me feeling inspired. She recently underwent surgery to give her kidney to her cousin who needed one. I began to think of this selfless act and the implications of it. She risked her health, gave up her time, gave up her comfort, and was extremely brave. Through this, I realized how great an act of service this was. It really humbled me and I came to realize how little of my time and my life that I give to others. I am not talking huge acts, such as what my friend did, but more day to day ways that I could help others and how little it would affect me. My prayer through this is just to look for ways and opportunities in which I can give of the resources that God has given me, whatever that may look like.
I am so grateful that God uses ordinary people to show His love and to display His glory to this world. I want to be one of those people.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
A Few of My Favorite Things...
Moses is at such a fun age right now! I can't believe the rate at which he learns new things and how quickly he is developing. He sure is an active little guy but I am really blessed that he is healthy. Some of his latest and cutest things are:

Uh-Oh: When you say Uh-Oh, Moses will put his hands over his face/head like he has experienced some horrible tragedy. The best part though is that he has the biggest smile on his face when he does it. (The pictures above don't even begin to capture the cuteness of this)
Throwing his head Back: When Moses thinks something is really funny he will throw his head back and start laughing. He learned this from watching my friends' mom and it is so cute!
Da-Da: Anytime Moses sees a picture of Jarrell in our house or in his wallet, his eyes get really big, he smiles, points, and yells da-da. So precious. *Now only if he did that for me :)
Blowing his nose: Moses absolutely despises his nose getting wiped, so Jarrell taught him how to blow his nose. When you hold the tissue up to his nose and tell him to blow he does. It makes the cutest little noise.
Friday, February 26, 2010
So often I fail to realize all the wonderful things that I have in my life. Unfortunately, I get caught up and consumed in things of this life that don't matter. My biggest desire, as of lately, is for God to change my heart to be a more grateful person and to renew my mind regarding what is important in this life.
Three things that quickly come to mind that I am grateful for are: Jarrell, Moses, and Emery. My family is so important to me and they bring me more joy than anything in this world. I want to start this blog so that I can share the moments of joy that I experience with everyone that I care about.
This is one of my favorite pictures of Jarrell and I. We were in Durham, NC and it was one of our engagement pictures. I can't believe we have been married for almost four years!
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