Saturday, March 16, 2013

Life after Work

So I have been asked the same questions a couple times this week.

#1- How do you like staying at home?

#2- What have you been doing with all your time?

The answer to #1 is pretty easy. I love being home with my kids. I enjoy providing them with fun, consistency, and my love.

The answer to #2 is a little bit more complex. I have done so much in a week! I thought that I would share a recap with you all.

With the kids:

*We played at the park which included: swinging, playing house and vacuuming with a set up of toy golf clubs (love kids' imaginations), hung out at the farm with Mimi's pet horse Mickey, and played in the dirt.

*Went to the beach and built sand castles, chased ducks, skipped rocks, and soaked up the beautiful day.

*Made chocolate covered strawberries

*We went on a hike to the river. This was a little intense. I pushed the kids in the stroller, which is 70 pounds of kid, while backpacking Amariah (15 pounds) for 1.5 miles. A majority of this trip was uphill.  It was a great workout and we had a blast at the river.

*We watched a movie while eating popcorn in a fort.

On a Personal Level:

* I started getting small items for the kids' Spring Baskets

* I caught up with several people I love over the phone

* I went to the auto shop, twice--> NOT FUN!

*We took a family trip to the Rainforest Cafe for dinner. This was one of my favorite memories of the week. The kids loved the environment. The food isn't wonderful and is overpriced, but it is totally worth the dining experience. There were monkeys, elephants, butterflies, rain, etc. We sat right next to a fish tank and under the stars.

*I started a fundraising effort to help a friend. This was definitely my biggest accomplishment of the week. One of the main reasons that I wanted to stay home was that I could spend more time with my kids and being more available for the people that I love, so this was perfect timing. In short, I am selling tutus at a minimum donation and all the proceeds will go to helping the family with post-surgery care for my friend's three year old daughter. To find out more information you can visit the website my amazing husband created --> here.

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