Sunday, January 20, 2013

Proud Wife and Mom

{Disclaimer: I am about to brag on my husband. Please know that I realize that all the good in Jarrell comes from God}.

Some of you who have spent a decent amount of time around Jarrell probably already know this, but he is kind of a big deal. I know that I am a little biased but it is true. I have seen God use him in so many peoples' lives and he is one of the most consistent people that I have ever met. He has taught Moses two major lessons this week and neither of them had to do with words. Moses learned both through Jarrell's actions.

Earlier in the week we stopped at the gas station to get gas. Jarrell ran into someone that he knew and began talking to him while he pumped gas. The next thing I knew, Jarrell had his arm around him and was praying for him. Moses asked me what daddy was doing. I explained that some people go through difficult things in life and they need to be lifted up and encouraged through prayer. That small situation really expanded Moses' idea of prayer. He knows that we pray in church, before meals, at night to thank God for all the good things we have, etc. but he never realized that people pray to God about their troubles. Now every time Jarrell starts talking to someone, Moses asks if daddy is going to pray with them.

The next thing he taught him seriously brings tears to my eyes whenever I think about it. Earlier today we met a father and son who had been handed a rough set of circumstances. The little boy looked like he was about the same age as Moses. Jarrell talked with the dad and met some needs that he had. As Moses watched the situation from the car, he started rummaging through some things in the car. I asked him what he was doing and he said he was looking through his toys. He handed me a power ranger that he had and told me that he wanted to give it to the little boy. Talk about a proud parent moment. When Jarrell got back into the car, I explained to him what Moses wanted to do, so we drove back to the father and son. I will never forget the look on the little boy's face as we handed him the toy. His face lit up and he smiled so big. The kid was so blessed and I know that he will remember that moment for a long time.

I am so thankful that our kids have such a great role model to look up too. On the other hand, it breaks my heart for the kids that don't and God has reminded me to pray for them.

1 comment:

  1. Very awesome! A beautiful, Godly family!! Thanks for sharing. (P.s. keep on bragging!)
